Friday, July 28, 2006

The Experience that is Ikea

Sometimes it is easy to forget that there is a pay off for the Ikea experience. En route, I know that the quality is much the same as shabitat and their ideas so inventive. I know that I might get some coloured glasses that will lose their appeal in a little while, but when they only cost 99p, this matters less. I will often wonder if I need to exercise my social conscience, but assume they have done all that work for me and their prices are so low because they make us do all the work. Really, to do Ikea well, one needs to be focused; no good to drift around as I just have, managing to spend £70 on absolutely nothing I needed, which wasn;t too bad actually because I usually rack up a much higher bill on nonsense. I shall reflect on the bookcase/mattress/whatever else it was I actually went to look at, possibly sending a man who can do focus to exectute the task(!) someone who doesn't think going when it is really quiet is just a better reason to dawdle, meander and wonder. The real pay off is the utter exhaustion of the experience, and my total bemusement at being just this tired having accomplished nothing, well maybe not entirely nothing; I shall be off now to sample the apple vodka.

Thursday, July 27, 2006


My favourite word and occurance, and I have just been inspired by the only person who has left a comment on my blog thus far; CC Esq.; I'm not complaining, I have written anything for anyone to comment on, but his word is misanthropy and I love words. You see, I haven't written anything because I didn't know what to write, but under this heading CC Esq, has written about being a fool and taking youself seriously which is so interesting to me. A lot of life dictates we take something seriously, and our self-esteem would probably be at risk if we didn't take ourselves seriously at all, but there is a crucial balance to execute.

I have a pair of sunglasses with a double G on them, but not sure what that says about me or what others think of me. All of my sunglasses have them and none are ever this seasons because I buy them in the sales. I am wondering if the ubiquity of designer sunglasses is a result of wanting to claim status or wanting to fit in, and then my rambling mind led me to think about fitting in generally in the various social circumstances we find ourselves in.

I have (lovely) friends who wouldn't risk making a fool of themselves, something I patently don't care about because the risk is worth the rewards. I don't just mean rewards at work, or in terms of status or money, rather a smile, a laugh, someone opening up honestly in return, or anything that just makes life nicer and more interesting.

Imagine walking into a room full of people you don't know, what do you feel; are you scared or excited? Sometimes I'm worried; I don't have the social skills to really shine at small talk, but mostly I anticipate finding out something interesting about someone, it rarely fails to happen. When nervous, I think that everyone is feeling about the same, and if I can just work out a way to get them to talk about something they are interested in, they might loosen up and I still get to find out something interesting. Or boring...

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Life is Great Sometimes!

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Campioni del Mondo!

Ranked as outsiders, we'd just gone to Italy see Pompeii, & had no thoughts of Italy reaching the World Cup final or that it would be such an event. Eating freshly cooked home made pizza in front of the big screen in the town square was as exciting as can be and I did wear an Italia T-shirt (along with all the other Brits). The celebrations made for some sleepy heads on the boat to Amalfi, but who's complaining. It was a family affair on the streets, people drinking moderately and no violence. Till we can get that right, I think perhaps it is as well England didn't win. X